Refund Policy

Refund Eligibility

  • No refund/cancellation for Donations through any mode of payment will be allowed for any Donors unless the Donor made a technical error, such as transaction duplicity, data entry mistake or any other circumstances the organization at its sole discretion deems fit.
  • The refund/cancellation for Donations must be made within seven (7) days from the date of transaction (the date the Donation was made), otherwise, the organization will not process any refund/cancellation request, including the above-mentioned event.
  • No reimbursement of Service Fee shall be allowed, unless the refund request was made due to technical fault, such as transaction duplicity, data entry mistake or any other circumstances the organization at its sole discretion deems fit.
You will not be eligible for a refund if:
  • You submit a refund request seven (7) days from the date of the transaction.
  • Your account has been reported for violating our Terms & Conditions.
  • You request for your refund to be sent to a different destination (e.g., another card, e-wallet or bank account). Refunds can be sent back only to the original payment method used in a charge.

Submit a Refund Request

  • To submit a Refund Request, please complete the form below. You will receive an email from our representative, letting you know if your Refund request has passed the Refund Eligibility Criteria.
  • If you are eligible for a refund, you will receive your money back in 7-14 working days from the date you received your Refund Confirmation Email.
  • Please wait for the full processing period before submitting another refund request.
Refund Request
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