Kami telah mencapai matlamat pengumpulan dana kami!
Terima kasih kepada semua penderma dan pengumpul dana kami atas kemurahan hati anda.
Just a bunch of students trying to give back to the society that fostered us for the past 17 years. This is a project in conjunction with our college and SOLS 24/7, a reputable organization that helps out the less fortunate we took interest in serving
We want to contribute out part in making the society a better place, bit by bit. We are fortunate enough to receive education at a tertiary level yet others may not be. So by reaching out to SOLS 24/7, we hope to be able to provide means for them to receive education and help the B40 community break their loop of poverty.
We are very excited to help the B40 community under SOLS, as not only will this be a learning opportunity to broaden our view on the less than wealthy part of society moreover the chance to help them through financial means.
All funds raised will be given to SOLS 24/7 to support this cause that we are very passionate about. The B40 population is not often considered in many walks of life and its our wish to have them get the same opportunities we do.
Masih ramai lagi yang memerlukan sokongan kita. Sila lihat kempen kami yang sedang berjalan.
Berkongsi kempen ini dengan rakan anda mungkin hanya mengambil masa beberapa saat tetapi ia boleh menghasilkan lebih banyak derma.
11 April 2023
11 April 2023
9 April 2023
31 Mac 2023
31 Mac 2023
SOLS Foundation ialah organisasi kemanusiaan yang memenangi anugerah. Misi kami adalah untuk berkhidmat, mendidik & memperkasakan 40% penduduk terbawah dengan pendidikan PERCUMA, pembangunan peribadi, sokongan pekerjaan dan menyediakan akses tenaga kepada masyarakat Orang Asli dan Orang Asal (adat) luar bandar. Yayasan SOLS ialah sebuah organisasi bukan untung yang dikecualikan cukai, berdaftar di Malaysia dengan nombor pendaftaran 200801009737 (811025T).
SOLS Foundation ialah sebahagian daripada SOLS 24/7 Group.
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