sedang mengumpul dana untuk menyokong:
Imagine that you’re hungry, and that you’re given some ingredients to cook a meal, but no proper utensils. Or that you really need to make a call, and that you’re given a phone, but with no battery. Don’t you just hate that “so close, and yet so far” feeling (or “potong stim” as we call it in Malaysia)?
So the same thing are happening to these teens. They had been given sponsorships to study, and to pick up life skills that can really change their lives. The education had been paid for. But what they lack, are the food and board as they go through the 12 months program. You and I know we are just not the best students when we’re hungry. More so, without a shelter. Which is why I’m supporting this campaign, and I hope you’ll join us too. Sometimes we donate and may not see the impact of our giving. With the SOLS 24/7 foundation – a place you can visit if you’re in Klang Valley – you can pop by to witness the impact yourself.
13 April 2023
17 Mac 2023
17 Mac 2023
17 Mac 2023
17 Mac 2023
Berkongsi kempen ini dengan rakan anda mungkin hanya mengambil masa beberapa saat tetapi ia boleh menghasilkan lebih banyak derma.
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Berkongsi kempen ini dengan rakan anda mungkin hanya mengambil masa beberapa saat tetapi ia boleh menghasilkan lebih banyak derma.
SOLS Foundation ialah organisasi kemanusiaan yang memenangi anugerah. Misi kami adalah untuk berkhidmat, mendidik & memperkasakan 40% penduduk terbawah dengan pendidikan PERCUMA, pembangunan peribadi, sokongan pekerjaan dan menyediakan akses tenaga kepada masyarakat Orang Asli dan Orang Asal (adat) luar bandar. Yayasan SOLS ialah sebuah organisasi bukan untung yang dikecualikan cukai, berdaftar di Malaysia dengan nombor pendaftaran 200801009737 (811025T).
SOLS Foundation ialah sebahagian daripada SOLS 24/7 Group.
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